
Monday, 21 January 2013

14 Weeks

Well it's official. I can't button my jeans. Is it weird that this makes me happy? I guess it's the reassurance that I'm definitely pregnant and bub is growing in there that I like about it. Thankfully my good friend Anne is a master alterationist and is making adjustments to my wardrobe so I don't need to rush out and buy an entire maternity collection... yet.

How far along: 14 weeks
How big is baby: Size of a peach
Total weight gain/loss: - 4kg
Stretch marks: None
Maternity clothes: None
Sleep: Broken. I sleep for a couple of hours then wake up and pee. Then repeat the process. Must be preparing me for motherhood! 
Food cravings or aversions:  Welcome back appetite! I can eat again woohoo!
Gender: Too early to tell (but I have a feeling it's a ...)
Movement: None
Belly button: Innie
Exercise: Still on strict pelvic rest so not doing much of anything except lying on my back
Diet: Trying to eat healthy foods, but those Pinnacle potato pies are just too good!
What I'm loving: My growing bump and listening to bub's heartbeat with our Doppler before going to bed every night
What I'm not loving: The bumps all over my face
What I miss: Sleeping through the night
Sickness and symptoms: Round ligament pain
Notes:  We get to see baby again on Thursday when we visit Dr Naguesh our Obstetrician for an ultrasound to check on the hemorrhage and cervix length

Weekly Guide to Pregnancy: Week 14

Weekly Guide to Pregnancy

Your Baby

How big is my baby?

This week your baby is about 80-89mm in length and weighs approximately 25 grams (0.9 ounces). The head is now about one third of your baby's whole length, and the neck continues to get longer, meaning that the chin no longer rests on the chest.

The placenta has fully developed, and it's rich network of blood vessels is functioning as your baby's life support system. The placenta also manufactures some of the pregnancy hormones.

The umbilical cord is also completely mature and is made up of three entwined blood vessels (covered by a fatty layer). The large vein of the umbilical cord carries nourishment and oxygen rich blood to the fetus, while the two smaller arteries are responsible for carrying waste products and carbon dioxide from the fetus to the placenta, which then processes waste. The placenta also passes on antibodies that help fight infections from the mother to the fetus.

It is important to note that a large proportion of what the mother consumes is passed to the fetus this way, including, drugs and alcohol.

Your baby's circulation continues to develop and he/she can now swallow amniotic fluid, which is excreted as urine. Your baby starts to establish a sucking reflex, and exercises the muscles that will help him/her to swallow and breath after birth.

The profile of your baby is now more human, and features such as chin, forehead and nose are more clearly defined. Fingers and toes are becoming fully formed and the external genitals differentiate.

By the end of this week, your baby is fully formed. From here, he/she needs to mature. When provoked (eg by prodding of your abdomen), your baby will respond with active movements, however you still can't feel your baby moving yet.


love jenny xoxo

Congrats!!! We are right at the same place, so exciting!!! Can't wait to keep up with your blog and compare notes :)

{love jenny xoxo}

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