I thought it'd be interesting to see my bump evolution so here I am from around week 12 through to week 16, and you can definitely notice a difference!
How far along: 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: - 3.5kg
Stretch marks: None
Maternity clothes: None
Sleep: Broken thanks to crazy dreams and trips to the loo
Food cravings or aversions: Eating a lot more these days and keeping it down too
Gender: Too early to tell (but I have a feeling it's a ...)
Movement: None
Belly button: Innie
Exercise: Walking on the treadmill every other day
Diet: Healthy but of course there's the occasional chocolate treat
What I'm loving: My growing bump and listening to bub's heartbeat with our Doppler
What I'm not loving: The bumps all over my face
What I miss: Sleeping on my back
Sickness and symptoms: Round ligament pain and seriously sore boobies
Notes: We have a visit with our OB on Thursday and may be able to find out if we'll be buying blue or pink. Hopefully bub co-operates and shows us his/her bits.
Weekly Guide to Pregnancy: Week 16
Your Baby
How big is my baby?
This week your baby is approximately 11-12cm (4.3-4.6 inches) long and weighs about 80 grams (2.8 ounces).
All embryos start off looking much the same, as far as outward appearances are concerned, but this week sexual differentiation is more definite. Your baby's legs are now longer than it's arms, and they are moving around. It may be possible to feel your baby move (described as "quickening") but don't worry if you haven't felt movement yet - it will happen some time between week 16 and week 20.
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