
Friday, 31 May 2013

32 Weeks

Sorry this post is a little late. It's been quite a rollercoaster of a week for me thanks to an onset of some pretty severe Braxton Hick's contractions. They gave me quite a scare, as I was home alone and they lasted for around 5 hours, but thankfully no damage was done and I'm able to manage them now with adjusting positions, heat, massage and medication (if necessary).

Here's my 32 week bump, which as expected is bigger than ever and I'm really feeling it these days! I feel like I'm carrying around a sack of spuds. If I look tired here it's because I was. Lack of sleep means I'm walking around like a zombie and pretty sure I was still half asleep when I took these. Suppose it's something I should get used to with baby boy due in a matter of weeks!

Yesterday James and I had an appointment with our OB for the 32 week check-up. We were lucky enough to get another ultrasound and see our beautiful baby boy. After a few scares this week, it was such a relief to see that he's big and strong. Weighing in at around 1.7kg (3.7lbs), he's just about on track now with the average size for gestation at 32 weeks 3 days. He had previously been measuring small so it was great to see he's had a growth spurt since our last appointment. During the ultrasound he kept rolling his big bottom lip (I did this as a baby) and he's still looking just like his daddy. There's no mistaking paternity!

How far along: 32 weeks
How big is baby: Size of a squash (43cm from head to toe)
Total weight gain/loss: + 2kg (4.4lbs)
Stretch marks:  Still none to speak of (moisturizing my belly, hips and tatas religiously every night)
Maternity clothes:  I still have a few stretchy pre-pregnancy dresses that I can get away with wearing but feel much more comfortable in my maternity skirt and leggings
Wedding rings on/off: On and strangely they're loose on my finger
Linea nigra: Still no sign of it
Sleep: A thing of the past and not something I foresee in my future unfortunately
Food cravings or aversions:  I'm shocked (and a little bummed) that I haven't had any weird cravings because I thought that was part and parcel of pregnancy
Gender: BOY!
Movement:  According to my pregnancy app, baby boy sleeps 80-90% of the time. Pretty sure they meant somersaults! Unless he's the most active sleeper ever.
Belly button: Out... but only just when I'm standing, and in when I'm laying down
Exercise:  Ha! I barely have the energy to bath myself these days
Diet:  I can't consume much of anything thanks to the instant reflux and heartburn after eating but when I do have something I try to eat healthy
What I'm loving:  That we're in the home stretch and will be meeting our baby boy in a matter of weeks (preferably 5+)
What I'm not loving:  Braxton Hick's contractions, lightning crotch, round ligament pain, back spasms, sore boobies, lack of sleep, the list goes on...
What I miss:  Everything below my belly button. Can't see a thing!
Sickness and symptoms:  Apart from feeling completely exhausted 24/7 I'm not doing too bad
Notes:  My baby shower is this weekend! I can't wait to celebrate our baby boy's impending arrival with family and friends.

Weekly Guide to Pregnancy: Week 32

Week 32

Your Baby

How big is my baby?

Fetal size: 43cm total length
Fetal weight: 1.7kg (3.7lbs)

Space inside your womb is becoming increasing scarce for your baby, making his movements less dramatic and much slower this week. The foetal position is becoming a familiar position for him. Your baby can now use all of the five senses. He is busy looking around, practising breathing, grabbing whatever is in reach, tasting amniotic fluid and listening to the sounds of both you and your partner's voice. Your baby will weigh about three and a half pounds at this point.


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