
Monday, 31 December 2012

11 Weeks

While it may only be small, there's no denying I have a baby bump. Much more noticeable when I'm naked but nobody needs to see that!
How far along: 11 weeks
How big is baby: Size of a fig
Total weight gain/loss: - 2.5kg
Stretch marks: None
Maternity clothes: None
Sleep:  Had a massage yesterday which helped relieve my sore neck and shoulders, so I actually got a full night's sleep for a change
Food cravings or aversions: Nausea hasn't been as bad but my appetite is still M.I.A
Gender: Too early to tell (but I have a feeling it's a ...)
Movement: None
Belly button: Innie
Exercise:  Still on strict pelvic rest so not doing much of anything except lying on my back
Diet: Eating small but healthy snacks 3-4 times per day
What I'm loving: Hair is thicker, boobs are bigger
What I'm not loving: My skin resembles that of a teenager who's just hit puberty :/
What I miss: The days when my only skin 'blemishes' were freckles
Sickness and symptoms: Nausea and round ligament pain
Notes: Can't wait to see our baby at the Nuchal Scan next week!

Weekly Guide to Pregnancy: Week 11

Weekly Guide to Pregnancy

Your Baby

How big is my baby?

Your baby is approximately 44-60mm (1.75-2.4 inches) long and weighs about 8 grams (0.3 ounces). Rapid growth occurs during this time period, so it's not surprising that you're feeling tired!

The head is still large, and takes up almost half of the entire length of the body. The eyes are formed, although the eyelids remain closed while they continue to develop. The rest of the face is also formed. Your baby's body has straightened out, and bones and ribs appear.

Although your baby can now respond to touch, you won't yet be able to feel it move. Nutrients pass from your body into the placenta and umbilical cord to feed your baby and support his/her rapid growth.


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