
Monday 10 December 2012

8 weeks with a big scare

Last night was the scariest experience of my life. I had severe cramping and heavy bleeding for around 6 hours. I passed a few very large clots and feared I was miscarrying. James and I cried ourselves to sleep, fearing the worst. The next morning we had a scheduled scan that we nearly cancelled, but ended up going along to, just to confirm the loss really. Well it turns out we saw much more than we expected. Firstly, we saw an active sub-chorionic hemmorhage. And then... our baby. Alive and well. With a strong heartbeat and measuring 8 weeks. To say we were shocked is an understatement. I remember looking at James, wide-eyed and in total disbelief, but feeling like I'd just won the lottery. We felt so lucky that our little one had survived such an ordeal and seemed happy and healthy.

Baby on the left, hemmorhage on the right

Baby had a strong heartbeat of 155bpm


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