
Friday 28 December 2012

Ultrasound 10 weeks 4 days

Today we saw Dr Naguesh, our Obstetrician, to check on baby's progress and we're relieved and happy to report that everything looked perfect. Bub was measuring right on target at 10 weeks 4 days, 3.71cm and had a strong heartbeat of 168bpm. We got to hear it thumping away and it was very special for James who had never heard it before today. Our little one didn't stop wiggling around and waving its arms and legs the entire time but we did manage to get a few photos in the end. Dr Naguesh also had a look at the sub-chorionic hemmorhage inside the uterus and was pleased to see it was much smaller than the last ultrasound so that's a good sign. Our next ultrasound will be for the Nuchal Translucency to test for abnormalities in 2 weeks.


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